
13. Friends

There are friends and friends. Some are nothing but that, others are just like brothers and sisters. Those are almost with you since the day you are born. Since we only have memories of when we were three years old, at best, I can say that my dearest friends are with me since I was 2 years old.

12 years is a whole life i.m.o (in my opinion) and thinking that it'll be over soon crushes my heart. I can't even think how my life will be. And I know we'll get new ones and that University is going to be the best thing that ever happened to us but I still can't believe that it is going to end.

And there are those friends who are recent but already have conquered one place on our heart. Those will be remembered too and the breaking up will be difficult as it always be.

We can not consider our departure as a farewell, see it as a "see you later" or "see you soon". I don't want to say goodbye forever that's too harsh.

Friends are the best thing in life, as one would say "Friends will be friends, when you're in need of love they give you care and attention" and honestly, my friends do it pretty awesomely.

This is for you.

4 comentários:

  1. És mesmo .............. um tosco x) tens noção de que vai ser extremamente difícil de voltar da capital ao fim de um dia de estudo exaustivo e não te ter lá, ao meu lado no bus para conversarmos sobre o nosso dia, as nossas inquietações, os nossos amores e desamores ou simplesmente para parvarmos e desanuviarmos do stress ? Porra, vai custar mais do que o que eu pensava :p *

  2. Pois é.
    E às vezes dá cá uma melancolia...

    E eu "é que vou pra longe" mas venho cá visitar-vos, ta bem? :(

  3. Achas mesmo que eu te vou apresentar amigas minhas? Achas que eu lhes fazia isso? :O


  4. Ihihih :) vaaa eu apresento-te todas. Menos as feias.
